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World Teacher’s Day 2021 | Hear from the people who deliver our programme

It’s World Teacher’s Day and to celebrate we are going to shine a light on some of the amazing teachers who deliver our programme. 
We thought it would be fitting to hear from the people who experience our programme first-hand and discover how it positively affects pupils and teachers alike. 
Nicole Priestman, Northgate Primary in Somerset, said: “Thank you very much for the amazing resources. Since starting the programme… the children have thrived and learnt so much about the world of work.” 
Up at the top of the country, Kayleigh Abernethy, Hylton Castle Primary in Sunderland, commented on our Careers Conversations where we showcase some job roles that the children may never have heard of.  
She said: “The careers videos were excellent and enjoyed by the children. It makes a difference when it’s real people talking about their real lives rather than teachers telling them about it.” 
In another comment about the activities we provide in our award-winning programme, Janette Southern, Wigan Worsley Mesnes Community Primary, said: “The children loved the activities and resources as they were lively and engaging and Teacher friendly too as everything was there.” 
Wigan Worsley Mesnes Community Primary are so impressed with the impact of our programme they have decided to renew it for another year.  
We provide schools with educational programmes which help children acquire transferable and employability skills.  
The teachers who deliver these programmes can agree that it is important that children gain these skills early on in life, as they can have a massive impact on the future careers of pupils. 
We interviewed Mrs.Aspery, Year 6 KS2 Co-Ordinator at Kirkbymoorside C.P. School in Yorkshire, to get her thoughts on our Raising Aspirations programme, and to find out how and where it benefitted her class. 
How does the Raising Aspirations programme impact your pupils? 
“The programme has had a huge impact on our Year 6 children, from giving them an insight into new jobs and careers that they were not aware of, to learning how important life skills and qualities really are.”  

What has been your favourite thing about introducing the Raising Aspirations programme at your school? 
“My favourite part of the Raising Aspirations programme has been listening to the live sessions from a variety of professionals. To see the engagement of all children (and staff!) during these sessions, has been brilliant!” 

Without teachers delivering our programme we wouldn’t be able to make such a huge impact across the country.  So thank you to all the inspirational teachers we work with! 

To learn more about the impact teachers are making through the Raising Aspirations programme, click the link below: