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Our programmes get TOP MARKS from teachers!

We’re really proud of the way our programmes support schools to deliver impactful careers education, and even prouder of the feedback we receive from teachers and pupils alike.

Don’t just take our word for it

Find out more about our programmes below from the teachers and pupils that love them!
“The Raising Aspirations Programme has allowed students to explore different career pathways, and the steps that are needed in order to pursue a career in their chosen field. It has enabled students to think of the skills and qualities needed to be successful in their career, and in life. I wholeheartedly recommend the programme to other schools, so that their students may also benefit from the fun activities and eye-opening content.”
Mr Akhtar, Year 6 Teacher
Lapage Primary School and Nursery 2021
“Older pupils in key stage 2 develop an understanding of how their learning is helping them to prepare for the next stage in their education. During the inspection, pupils in Year 6 had the opportunity to take part in the school’s first ‘careers fair’, where they met representatives from local businesses and organisations such as the National Health Service. This enabled pupils to ask questions in order to find out at first hand the skills and knowledge they might need in order to prepare for particular careers.”
Visiting Upperby Primary School 2019
“Thanks for providing the opportunity for my child to look to the future in such a positive way! She has come home every night to share what they have done as a class during the program. She can explain exactly what she wants to be and how to get their goal but also knowing those dreams can change at any time and that’s okay. She particularly enjoyed the “Quality Street” activity in the class and the fact that the Quality Street Tin is still there for her to refer to and she also liked the “Personality Potion”. She has come home talking about her GSCEs and the importance of choosing her options wisely! She also really enjoyed being interviewed by the headteacher after following the 10 steps to a good interview. Thanks again!”
Year 6 Parent
Skerton St Luke’s CE Primary School 2022

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