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Positive Footprints Partners to Speak at National Housing Conference

Our partners Regenda Homes and Flakefleet Primary School will be guest speakers at the Housing Management Network annual conference on 23 November 2021.

This year’s conference will explore the role housing management teams can play supporting children and teenagers living in social housing and that is where we come in!

Guest speakers Steve Newsham, Regenda Regional Director of Regenda Homes, and Dave McPartlin, Headteacher, Flakefleet Primary School, will be discussing the impact Positive Footprints is making in communities up and down the country with our Raising Aspirations programme.

Steve said: “I’m really looking forward to talking about the fantastic work Regenda Homes are part of with Positive Footprints. Together we provide children in our communities with the opportunities to learn more about the world of work and meet professionals they may not otherwise meet – including international DJ’s. The Raising Aspirations programme not only supports children now, but it provides the skills they will need to flourish in the future.”

Dave McPartlin will discuss why his school have embraced the Raising Aspirations programme and explore some of the experiences his pupils have had on the programme.

With 18 other speakers across a host of industries the conference is a great opportunity for housing management staff to better appreciate what it feels like to grow up living in social housing and reflect on the practical things they can do to:

· Better support young people – enabling them to get a good start in life

· Better engage with young people – to get their views and ideas about their homes and services.

It’s also about making sure that services and initiatives take their views on board. Topics include:

· Safeguarding

· ASB and County lines

· Financial support

· Mental health

· Care leavers

· Engagement

· Raising aspirations and accessing opportunities for the future.

Young people are our future. It’s essential they get the best start in life possible and the housing sector has a major part to play. Make sure you play yours.