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My Apprenticeship Journey

Hello everyone! I’m Kate, the marketing apprentice here at Positive Footprints. Seeing as this week is National Apprenticeship Week, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to properly introduce myself and tell you all about my apprenticeship journey so far! 

The Beginning of my Apprenticeship Journey

All journeys have a beginning. Mine happens to begin at high school, before I even knew what I wanted to do. 

Growing up, I always thought you went to high school, then to college and either to university or straight into a job. And that scared me. I didn’t know about the different paths I could take until I got to high school.

My high school experience wasn’t the greatest. I struggled to fit in and with the pressures that come with growing up. It took its toll on my mental health, and at the age of 14, I was diagnosed with clinical depression. 

My experiences through high school meant I was reluctant to go to college to do A-Levels. But I didn’t know what other paths and opportunities were out there that I could take.

The Career Development Coordinator at my school supported me through everything, suggesting internships and apprenticeships as an alternative to college. I felt like I had a choice and decided to go for an apprenticeship.

I spent a brief period in college while I was waiting for a suitable apprenticeship and it lit a spark inside of me – I knew I wanted to go into digital marketing. So that is what I did. 

A Positive Apprenticeship

My apprenticeship at Positive Footprints has given me so many amazing opportunities and experiences in the few months I’ve been here, and I’m sure I’ll have countless more by the end of my apprenticeship. 

I get to do the things I love while experiencing new things and learning new skills all the time.

I believe everything happens for a reason and I truly believe that I’m meant to be on the path I’m on right now.

My journey so far has shaped who I am today, and I can’t wait to find out what awaits me.