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Helping to inspire a future photographer

The Career Carousel is one part of the Raising Aspirations programme, it aims to get businesses and education together to inspire children and show what possible career paths they could take. This is one story from a Career Carousel, which demonstrates the importance of it.

“I was commissioned by Positive Footprints to photograph the Careers carousel at All Saints Primary School. When I arrived, the head asked if I wouldn’t mind spending some time with a pupil who’s ambition it is to become a photographer. I was introduced to a young girl called Caitlin who I sat with and had a good chat with. She asked what my job was like and what qualifications it required, she was incredibly keen and utterly delightful. I then gave her one of my cameras and let her spent 10 minutes shooting the event for herself, which requires confidence on her behalf. After about 30 mins she joined the rest of her classmates to take part in the rest of the carousel. At the end of the event, her Mother came to collect her and spoke to me privately, she was delighted that I had spent some time with Caitlin and particularly that she had been given to chance to use a pro camera. That evening I received a message from Caitlins Mum once again thanking me and asking for advice about where to buy and what types of camera to buy for her daughter as she is so determined to follow photography as a career.

It was a genuine pleasure to meet both of them and the thought that I may be able to help Caitlin in any small way to pursue a career is genuinely humbling.”